
What is Warhammer 40k?

Warhammer 40,000

And why you have to play it!

What is Warhammer 40k?
Warhammer 40,000

Warhammer 40,000.  The ‘monster’ of the Table Top genre, anybody in Tabletop will know about this game, whether in passing, or in depth - but they will know of it none the less.

But what actually is it? - Well ‘Warhammer 40k’ as those who play it like to call it, is a futuristic game yet in the year 40,000, where there is only war.  Humanity is beset on all sides by enemies both strange and equally as dangerous, from human looking foes - to very alien species, the militaristic human society knows only a life of survival, defending their homes, and crusading out to ’restore' their glory.

What does this mean? Well….alot of battles, and i mean ALOT.  Filled with both your normal Humans, then you have your Super Human warriors called Space Marines, and even further up the chain - their fathers the Primarchs, demi-gods of unbelievable power, and then their father above them - The Emperor of Mankind, an especially powerful Psychic being with untold abilities and foresight. This universe is filled with thousands of books that you can dive into…or just dive into the game itself!

Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40,000


Warhammer 40,000 is on its tenth edition, the game is the easiest its ever been able to be played - with the starter rules only being 2 pages, meaning its super fast to get started! You get to make your own models by putting together plastic sprues(Available at all Hobby Lords stores), then after doing that, you paint them! - Dont know how to paint? Well thats easy! Warhammer has LOTS of videos on how to do it, and its way easier than you think!

Then you assemble your armies on the table top! And face off against a friend, or a stranger! The beauty of the game is that every match is different, your units each have different strengths, with lore backgrounds and amazing weapons!  Your army will fight to the end, or until you complete your objectives!

Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guard

What ends up as a result though, is you have amazing miniatures that you can display, you learn new skills, make new friends and most importantly have fun!

There is SO much variety in Warhammer 40,000 aswell! - Dont like playing Humans? Then dont worry! You can play the Tyranid Horde, overwhelm your opponents with sheer numbers and devour their biomass, or the unstoppable and unending Necron legions, raising from their eons of slumber to reclaim their rightful place in the Galaxy.

Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40k, Ultramarines

Whatever your interest is in Tabletop, Warhammer 40,000 still to this day proves to be the top choice for table top gamers.  All of our stores have the skill and knowledge necessary to help you on this journey, no matter whether to choose to defend the Imperium of Mankind, or watch the Galaxy Burn.

Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40k, Tyranids, Ultramarines

Want to explore Warhammer 40,000 now? - You can check it all out here

Liam O'Neill

Managing Director

Hobby Lords

Dive Deeper Into The Hobby Universe

Warhammer 40,000

What is Warhammer 40k?

And why you have to play it!

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